
Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday Mews

I realize Monday is usually Abbie's deal but there's a lot going on around here and she's way to spastic to stop and tell you...

Mom and dad came to a decision. Mom is going to wait and take the LSAT one last time and then apply to law school again next year. They decided a good place to live would be in the middle of the east coast so they could easily move next year. We will be moving to Richmond in the begining of July. This brings about a big problem for mom and dad - they have to rent as they do not want to be unable to unload a house in a year if we move again, but most 'partments only allow for 2 cats in Richmond. I mean, we're all going, mom and dad are going to have to lie, but mom is awful worried about what will happen if we are found out. Any cats out there in similar situations?

So, in even bigger news WE GOT A WHIRLEY BIRD TOY AND IT IS THE BEST THING THAT EVER EVER HAPPENED TO US EVER! So we've been furry busy chasing it around. I had no idea my life was so empty until that little whirl whooshed by my ear and filled the void.

A special note to my Shamy - it was so nice snuggling with you on my tree this weekend. I hope you stop by more often!



Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh wow a move, how exciting. We will be purring and purring everything goes well for you all. What a fantastic Kitty picture too!

Katnippia said...

Hi sweet emily! I enjoyed snuggling with youz to. As it right now there are 7 of living in apartment. They only know about our two woofies. As far as we know know the worse fing they can do is kick you out.Besides, it is easy to hide kitties over woofies. Have your mom and dad looked into renting a house?

Katnippia said...

Oh, maybe after we moves to our new place youz can come snuggles with me on our new porchie.
Purrs, and kitty nose kisserz..Shamy

Mrs. Sniffles said...

I know Richmond! It's not super close but not super far either from where my granbuns live. Thanks again for coming to my Gotcha Day party last week! I hope you visit me again soon!

Boy said...

Maybe you guys need to work on dis-guy-ses.
Then the apartment people would think there were onwy 2 kitties!
Or perhaps some of you can teweport over here to wook for me if the apartment people come to check!

jenianddean said...

Moves are stressful and exciting at the same time. We were in a "too many cats" situation before moving to our house. We started with just me, but then the apartment ferals kept having kittens, which Mom and Dad kept caring for and keeping a few of. The apartment pretty much knew we were over the limit, but they also knew that Mom and Dad had done a lot to help with the extra kittens. I would look into renting a house maybe if you strike out with the apartment.

jenianddean said...

Oh, also, since three of you are dark and solid, it could be like a Shakespearean comedy or an episode of Bosom Buddies with three of you pretending to be only one cat. You could create a fake name that represents the three of you as one, like Dark Shadow (sounds like a comic book character).

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, The Big Thing told us he took that LSAT thing and enjoyed it like pom-pom toys! But then he learned what it was like being one of those who did well and decided to try something different. But he likes Big Things who do that stuff.

Anonymous said...

we're not supposed to be here at all - not any of us. here's what we do: the Lady has most of the windowsills blocked so we can't jump up there. the most visible one is lined with stuffed cats, so if we ever did get up there, we'd "blend in". she also got limo quality window tint film for a couple other windows. if the landlord ever asks about it, she plans to say that the glare from the sun makes it hard to use the computer, plus it's removable. we've been here almost 2 years now and nobody knows about us.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer emily,
now lemme get dis strate ... yer mi brudder?
laffin an laffin!
luv--yer frend--jh

shhhh ... mi mom an dad hid lottsa catz wen dey hadda apartment in queenz noo york.

LZ said...

That is an exciting move! Its kind of close to us, we are in NJ. The Woman gave up on the LSAT, she just can't handle all of that pressure and school and stuff. I lived in a no animals allowed apartment for 3 years and we never got in trouble.


Mr. Hendrix said...

We've never had to lie cause it is just me, I'm sure a lot of people have advice. Since you are all indoor kitties, I don't think it will be hard to keep your secret.
If Grr, Midnight & Cocoa can do it for 2 years, you all will have no problem. Those are good tips!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

I’m tagging you with the “Seven Random Things About Me” meme!

“Seven Random Facts About Me”
Skeeter tagged me!
Here are the rules for this meme ...

Each player starts with seven random facts about themselves. Cats who are tagged need to write on their own blog about the seven things, and mention the rules. You need to choose seven cats to tag and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment that they have been tagged and to read your blog! Check my blog for an example…

World of Animals, Inc. said...

The big move to Richmond. Maybe mom and dad are able to get all of you inside the apartment. Besides the move, we are happy to hear that you got a whirlybird toy. Must have been an excellent day of playing. Thanks for the share. Have a great weekend.
World of Animals