I'm a little blue these days. I just found out my brofur Percy is moving to Catifornia in two weeks. Mom and dad are going there to visit and to look into the housing situation, and they're going to take him there ahead of the rest of us. Percy is going to get his dream, he's going to be an only cat - at least for a few months, before we all move in.
My grandma and Percy have always had a very special relationship, he loves her and she adores him to pieces. Grandma has been kind of lonely since our cousin Annie went to the bridge; she's nefur not had a cat before. Percy also has health issues, and grandma can make sure he eats what he's supposed to and takes all of his medicine without being bothered. And I admit, none of us are very nice to Percy. It's just that he runs, and we like to chase things that run. He's a little older than the rest of us, and he does not like to play the way we do. I love my brofur very much, and I want him to be happy more than anything, and I know this is best for him. I just wish it didn't make me so sad.
In April we're going to be all living together again for at least a year while dad finds a job, mom gets started with law school and they look for a house, but even then Percy will be grandma's cat, and when we leave, he will stay. Mom says when grandma goes on vacation Percy will come and stay with us and we'll still see him, but I can't believe I'm not going to be able to see him for three whole months. Percy was my cage mate when mom and dad came into the shelter to get us. I don't like to think much of the time before then, he's always been there for me. Have you ever been happy and sad at the same time?
Percy will always be our brofur, so don't worry, he will still be keeping efurrybody posted on our bloggie. It will just be grandma taking the pictures! Percy is sponsoring his award for the
Best Fur Sibling of the Year award, but now it's going to be called the Percy B. Stephens-Dexter Only Cat Award.
We're thinking of having a going away party for Percy... I'm not too good of a party planner so I'll have to get Abbie involved.